Franchise Application

Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions

1. The organization offers franchises for 2 years or 5 years. The fees for two-year franchise and five-year franchise are different and when your franchise expires, you will have to renew it by paying the franchise renewal fee.

2. You have to pay all students registration fee, certificate fee, diploma fee to the organization.

3. You cannot use the organization's name or organization's logo in your advertising or any other work. Legal action will be taken if this is done.

4. You are strictly instructed to open the center at a location where there is no objection from the Government, Police, MCD/NDMC or the local public.

5. The organization is giving you franchise only for the purpose of Computer Education (Software, Hardware, Networking) and Vocational Education (Yoga courses, Interior & Exterior Courses, Home Business Courses).

6. The organization instructs you that it is mandatory to have fire extinguishing equipment in the center.

7. It is the responsibility and mandatory of this center to take the attendance of all the student’s daily.

8. It is the responsibility of the center and it is mandatory that all the Student’s come wearing I-card.

9. It is strictly prohibited to bring any kind of intoxicant or alcohol, cigarette, weapon or possess to the center and if this happens then strict legal action will be taken.

10. It is mandatory to have drinking water in the center.

11. It is mandatory to have a toilet in the center.

12. It is mandatory to have power backup in the center.

13. The organization will not make any payment to you. Like center’s rent, books, electricity bill, water bill, advertising or compensation for any accident, all these are the responsibility of the center.

14. If any accident happens at the center, the center will be responsible for it. The organization will not be responsible for any accident.

15. Any kind of payment will not be refunded so do it carefully.

16. Fees will be charged for changing the name/address of the center/institution.

17. The franchise certificate should be displayed inside the center/institute.

18. The organization provides you a franchise to open one center. If you want to open two centers, then you will have to take permission from the organization for that.

19. Our team can visit your center anytime and inspect and if anything is found wrong then the franchise can be canceled.

20. The organization has the right to cancel the franchise if anything is found wrong.