Franchise Application

About Us

About Organization

SHRIJI EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION is Registered under Trust Act, 1882, Govt of India, The Organization is also Certified by Quality Management System An ISO 9001:2015 Certified. Organization has been founded by group of professionals from diversified sectors like Industrialist, Skill india, Educationists, Businessmen, Social Workers, Engineers, with a sense of responsibility towards the community. All of whom were inspired by the conviction that individuals with knowledge resources and empathy for the marginalized must work with communities at the grassroots in order to help them realize their fundamental rights. Throughout their journey in this field of community development, SHRIJI EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION is working to provide quality life to downtrodden as well as for the sustainable growth of socioeconomically deprived people of the society. SHRIJI EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION stemmed from an incessant and urgent need to address the ineptitude of a society which was not only functioning on a set of inherently flawed ideals, but seemingly thriving on them too. It is a youth-driven social initiative committed to bringing a change. Through education, love and empowerment we seek to create a society equal in its norms of gender and appreciative of differences. A community built on passion and hope carrying around a desire to see the world transform underneath nurturing and driven fingertips, we envision a better society for the generations to come. Actualizing that dream is our responsibility and so we call ourselves a changemakers; harbingers of change, not saviors but a wave heralding a do -over. Currently, we are conducting workshops on issue like Menstrual Health, Child Sexual Abuse, Gender Equality and various other topics of consequences in hopes of breaking stereotypes and bringing about tangible change.


“SHRIJI EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION aims to deliver Excellence in the Education and lay the foundation for the citizens of tomorrow. SHRIJI EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION does have the desire to revolutionize the Quality of education by the introduction of innovative ways of teaching and learning, provided at the primary and secondary level. The necessity is to develop not just an educated citizen, but to produce a learned individual who can distinguish between what is right and what is wrong”


“We envision a society based off of not only equality, employability and quality education for everyone but the softer nuances of feminism. To promote education, equality and empowerment among socially and economically backward sections of the society and to take every step in furtherance of the same including setting up of schools, healthcare divisions, in formal schemes, welfare policies, educational institutes, development centres in all possible sectors and all such activities and measurements essential to promote human development index levels”


Our organization is strived to raise the human and other resources to achieve the following objectives

  • To help the students of every sections of community including each gram panchayat, government schools and urban rural areas to pursue a quality education in any one of the life areas, in which they are interested.
  • To support the excellent Learning and Development works programme for school students so that they should get an enough exposure of Research, hands on experience, practical works exposure before they leave the schools.
  • To prepare students for the challenges envisaged in the 21st century by a very Special Learning Model i.e. Creative Learning Model.
  • Women Empowerment (Training and Awareness) to support women empowerment by providing training in Digital Literacy, Leadership areas, computers, help in coaching for competitive exams like, etc. and support.
  • Awareness Generation Program (Blood, organ, Employment, Aids, Cancer and other Ailments).
  • To encourage Students involvement in Sports and Games (By conducting Sports Meet, Awareness Programs, and fitness Programs like Yoga
  • To Assist and Help Government’s, Welfare programmers to reach people.
  • To Assist Orphans, old age and disabled People by helping them to get Basic Necessities like food, shelter and clothes.
  • To work for Abolishment of Child Labour and enrol them in schools and to help them acquire necessities required.
  • To support Young Entrepreneurs Setup Business by providing Guidance and Awareness’s workshops.
  • Coaching (Vocational & Skill Education) for underprivileged
  • To Start an Orphanage cum support Home to support Orphan and children who are in dire need of necessities (food, Shelter, Clothes & Education)
  • Environment Protection Awareness and Tree plantation.
  • Swachh Bharat Mission Awareness.
  • Make in India Promote.
  • Skill India promote.


Promote to establish Institute for imparting Computer Study Centre to use of information & communication technology for socio-economic development of community.


To provide adequate knowledge & guidance to students for preparing them to undertake challenging IT careers in the public, cooperative and private sector industries and also to develop entrepreneurial skills for Success.

Board Members

Mission Image

Rajat Som


Mission Image



Mission Image

Gagan Singh



Name Designation
Akshay Kumar Legal Advisor
Kaushik Tiwari Executive Member
Vikas Kumar Executive Member
Rishabh Upadhyay Executive Member
Akash Executive Member
Harsh Executive Member
Himanshu Tiwari Executive Member
Name Designation
Abhay Verma Executive Member
Thakur Pavan Chauhan Executive Member
Lakshay Kumar Kartikwal Executive Member
Ambuj Tomar Executive Member
Vikas Executive Member
Daini Executive Member
Jitender Kumar Executive Member