Other Vocational Courses | Duration |
CCT(Certificate Course In Tailoring) | 3 Months |
CCBP(Certificate Course In Beauty Parlor) | 3 Months |
CCFD(Certificate Course In Fashion Designing ) | 3 Months |
DCFD(Diploma Course In Fashion Designing ) | 6 Months |
ADCFD(Advance Diploma Course In Fashion Designing) | 12 Months |
DBM(Diploma In Business Management) | 6 Months |
CBA(Certificate In Banking & Accountancy) | 6 Months |
DSCA(Diploma In Stenography And Computer Application) | 9 Months |
DAA(Diploma In Accountancy And Auditing) | 6 Months |
DMS(Diploma In Marketing And Salesmanship) | 6 Months |
DRM(Diploma In Retail Management) | 6 Months |
DFMM(Diploma In Financial Market Management) | 6 Months |
DBA(Diploma In Business Administration) | 6 Months |
ADBA(Advance Diploma In Business Administration) | 12 Months |
CCSE(Certificate Course In Spoken English) | 3 Months |
DCSE(Diploma Course In Spoken English) | 6 Months |
CCPD(Certificate Course In Personality Development) | 3 Months |
DPT(Diploma In Plumbing Techniques) | 12 Months |
DMT(Diploma in Mechanical Techniques) | 12 Months |
DNTT(Diploma In Nursery Teacher Training) | 12 Months |